Installation and configuration

The following sections will briefly describe how to add the Jolocom SDK to your project, as well as briefly outline some of the exposed configuration options (e.g. how to add / remove / switch between DID methods).

Installing the Jolocom SDK

In order to be able to install and run the Jolocom SDK, Node.js v10 is required.

Depending on your package manager, you can simply run:

npm i @jolocom/sdk jolocom-lib
# In case you use yarn
yarn add @jolocom/sdk jolocom-lib

In case you would like to avoid implementing a custom storage backend for the SDK, the @jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm module should be installed at this point as well.

Instantiating the Jolocom SDK

The Jolocom SDK requires a set of external services that provide storage and network transports integrations appropriate to the runtime environment. The Storage module is required on instantiation, while network transports are configured (and can be reconfigured) after an SDK instance is created.


A storage module is required to persist data (e.g. DID Documents, Verifiable Credentials, Encrypted keys, etc) which is generated or collected as part of various SSI interactions and events. Custom storage backend implementations can be defined, as long as they satisfy the IStorage interface. The fastest way to get a compliant storage module is by using the @jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm module:

import { JolocomSDK, NaivePasswordStore } from '@jolocom/sdk'
import { JolocomTypeormStorage } from '@jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm'
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm'

const typeOrmConfig = {
  name: 'demoDb',
  type: 'sqlite',
  database: ':memory:',
  dropSchema: true,
  entities: ['node_modules/@jolocom/sdk-storage-typeorm/js/src/entities/*.js'],
  synchronize: true,
  logging: false,

const connection = await createConnection(typeOrmConfig)
const sdk = new JolocomSDK({
  storage: new JolocomTypeormStorage(connection),

An additional optional argument, eventDB, can be provided to the constructor to specify a custom storage backend for "events" encountered as part of Peer-Resolution flows. This DB will only be used for particular DID methods. In case no argument is passed, the storage argument is used instead.

Network Transports

The SDK currently supports WebSockets and HTTP as data transports. These need to be configured prior to usage, to inject platform specific solutions.


The HTTP transport simply requires an implementation of fetch. For Node environments, install node-fetch and it will be automatically configured. Or to use your custom fetch implementation:

sdk.transports.http.configure({ fetch: customFetchImplementation })


The WebSocket transport requires an implementation of WebSocket.

In Node environments, to use ws as the WebSocket implementation, install the pacakge then after instantiating the SDK in your code:

import * as WebSocket from 'ws'
/* .... instantiate SDK .... */{ WebSocket })